
(B)est Blogs Ever – 10 B Corp Blogs You’re Gonna Love

What a world – water can be made edible, Donald Trump is an actual contender in the presidential election and dogs have blogs. It’s hard to know where to turn at times like this, and it’s equally hard to know what to read. Even if you rule out blogs written by canines, there are still an overwhelming number of blogs. Honestly, I think that if my mom could figure out how, she’d probably have a blog too!

I’ve taken the liberty of rounding up our ten favorite blogs from B Corps. There’s variety on this list – one of the blogs below concerns itself with gardening, one is all about running, and at least two talk about sex. Regardless of your interests, there is a blog on this list for you. If your favorite B Corp blog isn’t included here, don’t hold back – add it in the comment section below (Click To Tweet!).

1. B Lab – The Original

No list of B Corp blogs would be complete without The B Corp Blog. Posts are published [roughly] once per month and feature news about the B Corp movement.

Content might concern the Impact Assessment, updates on milestones and accomplishments, specific initiatives underway or a particular B Corp getting creative in its quest to use business as a force for good.

Because posts are relatively infrequent and contain content SUPREMELY relevant to the B Corp community, this blog is a must-read as far as we’re concerned.

Get Pegable blog posts sent right to your inbox for ideas, advice and resources on activating your company’s Purpose.

2. B The Change Media Stories

B The Change Media’s big news right now is, of course, the successful launch of B Magazine, but the media company also offers great content online in its Stories section. Get B Corp-centric stories about community-conscious coffee companies,  environmental stewardship, impact investment and more. Another must-read for B Corp enthusiasts.

3. Good Clean Love

Good Clean Love makes natural sexual well-being products (think lubricants without petrochemicals and parabens) and their blog, Making Love Sustainable, is all about spreading the love.

Posts deal with love, both platonic and sexual, relationships, positivity, bodies, current events relating to these topics and more. If you’re looking to achieve a happier state of being by embracing all facets of your life – sexual and otherwise – with positivity and mindfulness, this is a good place to start.

4. Arcadia Power

Arcadia Power makes it easy for individuals and businesses to use 100% wind energy by selling Renewable Energy Credits, or RECs.

Their blog, Inside the Outlet, offers advice for those looking to make their homes more energy efficient, articles to help people understand “the grid,” stories of innovative energy solutions, commentary on current events relevant to the energy industry and more. If you’re interested in renewable energy and climate change, don’t miss what’s happening Inside the Outlet.

5. Newton Running

Newton Running makes running shoes and athletic apparel, and their blog The Running Front is, appropriately, great for runners. It’s also good for those who wish they were good enough at running to count as runners. To be completely honest, it’s even good for people searching for the motivation to go for a walk.

Readers will find recipes to fuel workouts, stories of Newton employees’ — and Ambassadors’ — running successes and advice, posts about social responsibility and more. The blog maintains a self-reflective, humorous tone that makes for a fun read. One picture in this article is captioned “G­eorgia Ambassador Sara Maltby won the Armadillo Broil 25k… Does the race name concern anyone else?!” [My answer – Yes. Yes it does.]

Read if you like a chuckle and a little social responsibility along with your fit-spiration.

6. Sustrana

Sustrana is a sustainability management consulting and technology company that helps organizations of all sizes build effective – and affordable – sustainability programs. Their blog, GuidePOST, delivers information that’s useful for sustainability managers and anyone else trying to make their company’s operations more sustainable.

Topics include getting buy-in from various parties, measuring your success and other information of import to sustainability managers and advocates. You’ll also find perspectives on current events related to sustainability, industry news and commentary on general good-business trends.

Whether you’re the sustainability manager for a really big company or a self-appointed advocate in a company of three, you’ll find Sustrana’s advice tough to beat.

7. Falcon Waterfree Technologies

You might think that a company that makes waterless urinals doesn’t have a whole heck of a lot to say. You would be wrong.

Falcon Waterfree Technologies’ blog Shut the Flush Up is overflowing with articles addressing water scarcity, interesting installations of water-saving technologies and #FalconWaterFacts that put consumption into perspective. There’s also a healthy dose of B Corp related stuff (profiles of other B Corps, movement-wide initiatives, etc.)

Falcon also does a great round-up of good/green/interesting links every week, which I love. If you want to stay up to date on the state of water conservation and have a little fun along the way, Shut the Flush Up is the blog for you.

8. RecycleBank

RecycleBank partners with communities and waste haulers to reward residents for recycling. The more a community recycles, the more points its residents can earn and apply toward items in RecycleBank’s online store, One Twine. One Twine’s carefully curated collection features a nice variety of sustainably made items, some of which come from B Corps.

RecycleBank’s Live Green blog includes information on cutting back on waste and reusing or recycling all of those weird things that end up in your house – everything from old sports trophies to microwaves and old school supplies. A must read for anyone with random stuff they don’t know how to get rid of.

9. UncommonGoods

Gift shopping makes me grumpy. Literally everyone on my list has everything they need and almost everything they want (#firstworldproblems I know, but still). The stuff they don’t have is either way too expensive to be a holiday gift (Oh, you’re into yachts – that’s interesting) or way too mundane to be a holiday gift (Oh, you’re out of aluminum foil – that’s interesting).

UncommonGoods is my salvation. It has quirky, nice things that people don’t already have. Things like tequila shot glasses made of Himalayan salt. BOOM – happy holidays and good luck with your yacht.

Their blog, The Goods, is as enjoyable as their product selection. New posts are added several times each week and the content features the stories of various makers (the artisans behind products), advice for artisans looking to expand their business opportunities, Instagram contests, accounts of people trying the sites’ products (Gift Lab) and more.

Whether you stop by while shopping or make it a go-to for quirky content, The Goods is definitely worth a read.

10. Sustain

The other sexy company on the list, Sustain, makes Fair Trade vegan condoms and organic lubricant. The company’s blog, Intercourse, covers topics like sex, sexual health, girl power, reproductive health, funny sex-facts and more.

Sustain’s premise that “condoms play a role in almost every challenge we face in the world” might sound like a leap, but it makes sense. After all, besides preventing the spread of disease, condoms play a key part in population control. Overpopulation fuels problems like hunger, unsustainable resource depletion, overcrowding, urban sprawl, species extinction and more. Giving people the power to chose if – and when – they have babies means tackling these issues head on.

Sustain was founded by a father-daughter team unafraid to talk about the importance of sexual health, and the content stays true to the company’s origins with a “real-talk” voice that is easy for readers to appreciate and relate to.

I hope this post has been helpful in pointing you toward some good reads you can count on in this crazy world. If I missed your favorite B Corp blog, I entreat you – DO NOT remain idle. Add it to the list in the comments section below.

Alison was RoundPeg's content marketing specialist though November 2016. We are sure she still spends her days seeking inspiration, writing inspired content, then trying to inspire other people to read it! When she isn't trying to save the world by the might of her pen, she hangs out with her dog Wall-E, reads contemporary literature and eats an impressive amount of chocolate.
  • Jennifer Piette

    Winner of the SBC B Corp award, Out of the Box Collective is a farm to table home delivery service covering Southern California. Their blog includes seasonal recipes using farmers market produce and meal plans on diverse themes and even playlists to listen to while you cook. Blog.outoftheboxcollective.com

    • Alison Klein

      Jennifer —
      I can’t believe I’ve never seen Out of the Box Collective’s blog before! I love the images and the agricultural info sprinkled in. The post about Good Eggs closing was really thought-provoking and the Oscars for Foodie Films is such a fun read. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  • Christina

    Wonderful Article Alison – we love all the blogs and companies you showcased. We’re proud of our vibrant blog at http://www.Topricin.comhttps://topricin.wordpress.com/


    • Alison Klein

      Christina —

      Thanks for reading and thanks for sharing! I love the variety of topics you cover and how you tie them back so beautifully to Topricin’s values. Also, it sounds like your After Burn cream should DEFINITELY come with me to Hawaii this summer. #AlwaysBurn #NeverTan ¯_(ツ)_/¯

      • Christina

        Hi Alison, so glad you enjoyed our blogs. And I’ll certainly send you some samples for your trip to Hawaii. I too burn and have used many tubes this summer! You can find my email in our media cabinet, just send me your address http://www.topricin.com/themediacabinet

        • Alison Klein

          Christina — You are so kind! I will do exactly this exactly now 🙂

  • Alexandra Ostrow

    Amazing collection of blogs! Thank you for putting these all on our radar. We have one more to add to the list! WhyWhisper Collective is a strategy & marketing firm that provides innovative business & nonprofit leaders with bold approaches to better our world. Our blog features different approaches to social impact and showcases initiatives from inspirational companies: http://www.whywhisper.co/blog

    • Alison Klein

      Thank you for sharing Alexandra! I just took a quick look at your blog and there are some great stories about companies addressing some of our biggest challenges. The post about the Orlando shooting was especially illuminating – the story about the Chick-fil-A workers really warmed my heart. It makes me think of the advice that Mr. Rogers’ mother gave him: “Look for the helpers.” Thanks for adding WhyWhisper’s blog to the list!

  • Heather

    Awesome line up of Blogs! We are so glad you shared this. Its really nice to have an assortment of BCorp Blogs all in one place so we can support our peers who are using business as a force for good. It also allows us to learn more about what they are doing, what they are passionate about and how they are practicing sustainability and common goals. I am inspired and… I am actually buying an ‘On the Rocks Set’ for my honey – Thank you Uncommon Goods! I also have my eye on an item from another company but I am going to keep hat to myself 🙂 Stop by our website to check out our Bliss Blog – packed with skin care tips, valuable info, sprinkled with a few DIY recipes. http://www.inesscents.comhttps://www.inesscents.com/blog/making-your-own-perfume-solids-smells-bliss

    • Alison Klein

      Thank you for sharing Heather! The Bliss Blog has some great ideas for natural beauty and skin care. I’ve never heard of a castor oil detox before but it sounds really nice and relaxing and I definitely want to try out the hot oil treatment for hair. My husband will probably be a bit skeptical as I wrap my head in plastic wrap but it wouldn’t be the first time haha!

  • Russ Stoddard

    Great article Alison – I’ll throw the Oliver Russell blog into the mix as we’re pretty active on that front and try to provide interesting insights into companies with a product, service, or business model that benefits society:


    • Alison Klein

      Russ – Thank you so much for adding your blog to the list! I actually read some of your thoughts recently in the 2014 issue of Branding Magazine that focused on Purpose. Guess I was a little late to the party haha. Regardless, your insights come highly recommended 🙂

  • Entreprises Engagées

    Thanks for sharing about B Corp. Happy to see that B Corp companies grow faster than average, attract employees with shared beliefs, build a strong community, they develop strong competitive advantages, and have faithful clients…

    Happy to talk about B Corp and CSR in France with Entreprises Engagées http://www.entreprises-engagees.fr

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